Thursday, August 11, 2011

Want to Play Piano? New Age Piano Course Promises Quick Results!

Most courses of instruction for piano require years and years of study. This is a well documented fact. If you want to play the classics, expect to spend at least 5 years in intensive twice weekly lessons.

But the classical approach isn’t the only one and pianist/composer Edward Weiss has developed a ‘new age’ method that allows the complete beginner to quickly play chords and improvise. The course now has over 1000 subscribers and is continuing to add new ones on a daily basis.

Here’s what course creator Edward Weiss has to say about the lessons:

“So many students instantly go the classical route because they’re not aware of alternatives. There is an alternative way to play piano - one where you can just sit down and play off the top of your head.”

The ‘new age’ piano lessons offered by Weiss’s company Quiescence Music are all online and there are now over 100 of them. A video and step-by-step instruction are given so students can learn quickly.

Weiss adds:

“I took a community college piano class once and that lasted about 3 months. I learned how to play triads which I already knew how to do. With my method, students are introduced to something called the open position chord which allows them to play modern sounding chords right away with both hands.”

A free piano lesson ‘Summer Morning’ which shows students how to improvise in the Key of C Major and a free book ‘Free to be Creative at the Piano’ are available at Weiss’s website at Online Piano Lessons by Quiescence Music.

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